Thursday, September 16, 2010

Traffic and Money?

Traffic. One of the most hated things by Americans. Its boring, its long and you always get to your destination late. There's no reason for anyone to like traffics. Traffics cause drivers grief and agony.

With an increasing amount of constructions around the nation, freeways and highways are always getting backed up. In addition, the number of drivers increases each day in the U.S. exponentially. With more cars and with less road to drive on a serious problem plagues our roads. The major disadvantages is that drivers waste gas.

Of course its bad to waste gas because drivers will have to spend more money and it pollutes the environment, but it also means that drivers will be less prone to go out on road trips and invest in their cars. This then leads to less profits for car companies. I think that the automotive industry can work on two things about the traffic problem. First, the automotive industry should deal with easing boredom drivers have during traffic jams. Second, the industry should focus on making cars that can save gas when it senses the car is not moving.

Of course these are two things that will be very difficult to solve. If they are able to tackle this situation I believe that they can generate a lot of profits.  

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