Saturday, September 4, 2010

Morgan Dupp on Globalization

I feel that car companies can expand their markets and sales outside the U.S. Globalization is currently affecting the United States car companies by them being able to expand their sales and their markets outside the rural and urban cities and towns of America. This nation is not the only consumer. China, Taiwan, and even countries like Japan can survive on subsistence such as the sales of cars.

The automotive car companies in the U.S. can use globalization to their advantage. The U.S. car companies are able to expand all their factories and all their workers so that whole entire system becomes an efficient machine. Once this machine begins to fall apart, many things occur to the automotive industry, especially the degradation and the downfall of the industry. Therefore, the industry must keep on growing.

-- Morgan Dupp


  1. Which article did you use as the basis for this summary?

    Also, how can globalization also have a negative impact on the US car market?

  2. This is true. The U.S. does need to globalize. But don't you think they can also do more domestically, such as instead of trying to sell more cars, make more aesthetically pleasing cars?
