Saturday, September 4, 2010

Patriot or Cheapskate?

The automotive industry has come a long way from Henry Ford's Model T. During the early 20th century GM and Fords were not just the main suppliers of cars and trucks in America, but also throughout the world. Stepping back into reality, America's car companies such as, GM, Ford and Jeep and Chrysler have become fish in the vast automotive ocean. It's not because American cars are made of shoddy materials but its due to globalization and the new competitors that arise everyday. Competition drives not just American automotive companies to develop faster, more efficient and practical automobiles but international companies such as Mercedes, BMW, Fiat, Renault and Vauxhall to develop cars that are even more fuel efficient, appealing, and sleeker. Globalization has made the process of selling American made automobiles to American's an increasingly difficult battle. The war that's waged between American companies and out-of-state companies will continue to persist, and the future will only bring about more difficulties.              
Nevertheless, consumers are in a great situation to buy cars. While companies fight each other for consumer recognition, consumers can choose from a medley of vehicles that are cheaper, faster, more stylish and more practical. So the question is, do consumers patriotically side with America's companies or do they select the best car for their money?



  1. Do you think the quality of American made cars such as GM and Chrysler is the same as that of BMW and Mercedes?

  2. Also, what article did you use as the basis for this summary?
