Thursday, September 30, 2010

Influential Figures

One of the automotive industry's greatest icons is Henry Ford. Beginning with the Model T, Ford was able to provide Americans with practical yet affordable vehicles. The Model T became an ubiquitous symbol of wealth and being an American. Taken on family picnics and even to Sunday mass, the Model T became Henry Ford's golden ticket into automotive stardom. One of greatest ideas was the implementation of the assembly line to begin the mass production. The concept behind an assembly line went that workers would be given specific sections along a line where their responsibility consisted of one section of the production of a vehicle. The assembly line was able to increase production and reduce average production time.
Had it not been for Henry Ford's three concepts that drove his company toward excellence, "reasonable price, reliability, and efficiency", Ford might not be the company it is today (
Ford's cars were so affordable, not only was he able to turn America into a nation of automotive drivers overnight, but "by 1918, half of all cars in America were Model Ts" ( The surprising fact remains that there were engineers who had created self-propelled vehicles before Ford, none of them , however, were able to match Ford's mass production of vehicles. 
I believe that Henry Ford is one of the automotive industries great icons and tributes. Hence, America should build the Ford memorial right next to the Lincoln memorial. 
- Paul Jung

Pictures were acquired from


  1. There is no doubt that Henry Ford was the single most influential man in the auto industry. What article did you use for your info? I'd like to find out more about Henry Ford so we can incorporate him and other early auto leaders into our paper.

  2. It was from an october issue of the wallstreet. I had found an article lying around in the library. When I find it, ill tell you so we can incorporate it into our paper
